5 Things I do after installing Kubuntu 12.10

I do love Kubuntu 12.10 for both the user interface/experiences and the overall performance. With the power of Ubuntu 12.10 and the easiness of KDE. As far as I know, Kubuntu could be the most user friendly desktop Linux at the moment. And after I installed Kubuntu 12.10 on my system, here are 5 things I do. This article is suitable for general Linux desktop users not for network administrator or multimedia enthusiast.

1. Install Flash Plugin on Kubuntu 12.10

Since Kubuntu 12.10 does not equipped with flash plugin or flash player by default, I need to install it on my Kubuntu 12.10. Read this post on how to install flash plugin on Kubuntu 12.10 if you want.

2. Install Google Chrome

I do not like the default web browser on Kubuntu (Rekonq) or even the Mozilla Firefox. I prefer Google Chrome as my web browser to handle all my web browsing activities. Google Chome has a simple interface and works perfectly on Kubuntu. Read how to install Google Chrome on Kubuntu 12.10
3. Install VLC Media Player
I think VLC still the best multimedia player for both Audio and Video. It supports almost any video formats such as 3GP, FLV, WMV, MOV, OGG etc. You can install VLC on Kubuntu 12.10 with this single command line.
sudo apt-get install vlc

4. Install Ubuntu Restricted Extras

Ubuntu restricted extras is a collections of package that will improve the Kubuntu performance in term of playing multimedia capability. It will install many codecs and some non-free packages that will let you to play many kinds of video and audio formats such as MP3. Install it using command. This command will also install adobe flash plugin as well.
sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras

5. Install Oracle Java 7 

The last thing I do after installing Kubuntu 12.10 is install Oracle Java. As an alternative we can use OpenJDK but I prefer Oracle Java 7. You can read my previous tutorial on how to install Oracle Java on Kubuntu 12.10.


You've forgot to mention to advance your software sources first, before installing restricted extras...

Flash Player is included by default in Kubuntu 12.10. Rekonq will issue (on first use) a request for it and the flash plugin update notifier icon will be shown in the system tray.