Tutorial how to install PlayonLinux on Kubuntu 12.10

PlayOnLinux is a special application for Linux that can be used to help us to install and run many Windows software on Linux. PlayOnLinux is related to Wine in term of program similarity and other factors. PlayOnLinux offers better and easier way to install Windows software on Linux. We can browse the software we want to install or simply provide the executable file.


Steps to install PlayOnLinux on Kubuntu 12.10.


Use the following commands to install PlayOnLinux on Kubuntu 12.04 or Kubuntu 12.10

wget -q "http://deb.playonlinux.com/public.gpg" -O- | sudo apt-key add -
sudo wget http://deb.playonlinux.com/playonlinux_precise.list -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/playonlinux.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install playonlinux

Please note that the 2nd and 3rd lines above must be treated as a single command.

Once finished, you can start using PlayOnLinux on Kubuntu 12.10

