Musique, a super cool multimedia player on Pear OS 8

I just installed the new Pear OS 8 Beta 1 on my Virtualbox and its amazed me. New redesigned theme, color and some other new applications really can turn the ordinary people thought about Linux. I started with Musique. Musique is a super cool multimedia player that is the default audio player on Pear OS 8.


Musique is available for Windows, Linux and Mac. Its a good idea for the Pear OS developer to include Musique on Pear OS 8. It has a simple user interface and looks like the new iTunes.


Musique will automatically search for the album art for each music on your playlist. Musique will automatically sort the MP3 based on artist, album etc. So we can easily to manage our collection.

On the first run, Musique will ask you where you place your music collections. Then, Musique will automatically scan and read the metadata on your mp3 and download album art for each artist, album etc.