Install Gnome Tweak Tool di Fedora 21

Fedora 21 Final release tidak menyertakan gnome tweak tool secara default. Gnome Tweak Tool merupakan tool wajib yang harus dimiliki oleh pengguna GNOME. Gnome Tweak Tool ini menyediakan beragam cara untuk mengubah settings, icon theme, window theme dan masih banyak lagi. Tetapi jangan khawatir, meski tidak disertakan secara default pada Fedora 21 GNOME edition, kita dapat dengan mudah untuk install Gnome Tweak Tool ini di Fedora 21. 

Cara install Gnome Tweak Tool di Fedora 21

Buka Terminal dan jalankan perintah berikut
sudo yum install gnome-tweak-tool
Kemudian jalankan Gnome Tweak Tool

Review dan screenshots Fedora 21 Workstation

Fedora 21 Final version sudah dirilis. Fedora 21 merupakan versi terbaru dari Fedora Linux yang rilisnya sempat mundur beberapa waktu. Fedora 21 tersedia dalam 3 versi atau edisi yaitu Workstation, Server dan Cloud. Berikut ini beberapa screenshots Fedora 21 Workstation dengan GNOME desktop. Mudah-mudahan screenshot berikut ini bisa memberi gambaran tampilan Fedora 21 sebelum anda memutuskan untuk download dan install Fedora 21. 
Fedora 21 Desktop
Seperti biasa, tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan pada tampilan desktop Fedora 21 dibandingkan versi sebelum nya atau Fedora 21 Beta. Fedora 21 datang dengan GNOME versi 3.14.2 yang cukup nyaman digunakan. 
Aplikasi di Fedora 21
Banyak aplikasi yang disertakan dalam Fedora 21 Workstation ini. Antara lain adalah LibreOffice, Firefox web browser, Rhythmbox, Transmission dan masih banyak lagi. 
Fedora 21 System Settings
Akses mudah ke system settings yang berisi tool untuk mengubah setting di Fedora 21. Sayangnya, gnome tweak tool yang merupakan tool penting tidak disertakan. 

Ubuntu Tutorial-Cara install versi terbaru NGINX di Ubuntu Server 14.04

NGINX merupakan sebuah aplikasi open source proxy server untuk HTTP, HTTPS, SMTP, POP3 dan IMAP dan masih banyak fitru lain yang dibawa oleh NGINX ini. Dalam tutorial kali ini akan coba kami jelaskan bagaimana cara install versi terbaru NGINX di Ubuntu Server 14.04. Ini merupakan versi development (bukan versi stabil), jadi pastikan anda mengetahui resiko atau kelemahan versi development ini.

install nginx di ubuntu 14.04

Install NGINX di Ubuntu Server 14.04 dapat dilakukan dengan mudah karena tersedia PPA Repository untuk NGINX ini untuk Ubuntu. Untuk menginstall, buka Terminal dan jalankan perintah berikut ini:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nginx/development
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install nginx-full

Kemudian jalankan NGINX dengan perintah

sudo /etc/init.d/nginx start

Cukup mudah bukan? Terima kasih telah mampir dan membaca tutorial Cara install versi terbaru NGINX di Ubuntu Server 14.04.

Informasi Penting:

Cara install Plex Media Server 0.9.11 di Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr

Plex Media Server versi 0.9.11 sudah dirilis dengan beragam perbaikan dan pembaruan. Kali ini akan kami jelaskan bagaimana cara install Plex Media Server 0.9.11 di Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr. Karena tidak ada PPA Repository untuk Plex Media Server di Ubuntu, maka kita akan menginstall PMS 0.9.11 ini secara manual. Tetapi jangan khawatir, caranya cukup sederhana dan mudah diikuti. 

Perbaikan di Plex Media Server 0.9.11:

  • (Linux) A crash on Linux when media directory permissions were wrong.
  • Rapid seeking could lead to video playback stopping.
  • Improved reliabilty around publishing network connections.
  • Use TLS instead of SSLv3 when talking to
  • (DASH) More reliable seeking.
  • (ReadyNAS) Fix logo not appearing.

Cara install Plex Media Server 0.9.11 di Ubuntu 14.04

32 bit

sudo apt-get install gdebi
sudo gdebi plexmediaserver_0.

64 bit

sudo apt-get install gdebi
sudo gdebi plexmediaserver_0.

Selesai. Buka web browser anda dan tuliskan alamat berikut untuk mulai mengkonfigurasi Plex Media Server


Cara install KDE Plasma 5.1 di Fedora 21

KDE Plasma versi 5.1 sudah di rilis beberapa waktu yang lalu. Seperti yang anda ketahui, KDE Plasma merupakan versi pemutakhiran dari KDE Desktop yang datang dengan beragam fitur baru, tampilan baru dan performa yang lebih mengesankan. KDE Plasma 5 lebih indah dan nyaman dilihat serta digunakan. Bagi anda penyuka KDE, anda pasti akan jatuh cinta dengan KDE Plasma 5 ini. 

Pada kesempatan kali ini akan kita bahas bagaimana cara install KDE Plasma 5.1 di Fedora 21. Caranya cukup mudah, silahkan ikuti petunjuk berikut ini.

Buka Terminal di Fedora 21 anda dan jalankan perintah berikut ini:

sudo wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/dvratil-plasma-5-fedora-21.repo
sudo yum install kde5-\*

Setelah selesai sebaiknya reboot Fedora 21 anda. Selamat menikmati KDE Plasma 5.1 di Fedora 21.

Cara upgrade ke Ubuntu 14.10 Beta dari Ubuntu 14.04

Jika anda sudah tidak sabar untuk menunggu versi final dari Ubuntu 14.10 Utopic Unicorn, anda dapat dengan mudah mengupgrade instalasi Ubuntu 14.04 anda ke Ubuntu 14.10 Beta (versi terakhir yang tersedia saat tulisan ini dibuat). Tutorial Ubuntu berikut ini akan menjelaskan kepada anda bagaimana cara upgrade ke Ubuntu 14.10 Beta dari Ubuntu 14.04. Pada tutorial kali ini, pastikan anda memiliki Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr sudah terinstall dengan benar.

upgrade ubuntu 14.10

Langsung saja buka Terminal dan update system anda

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

Kemudian kita perlu menginstall update-manager-core. Jalankan perintah berikut di Terminal Ubuntu

sudo apt-get install update-manager-core
sudo do-release-upgrade -d

Tunggu hingga proses upgrade selesai. Reboot Ubuntu anda dan nikmati Ubuntu 14.10 Beta di komputer anda. Selamat mencoba semoga sukses.

Bagaimana cara install Gnome 3.14 di Ubuntu 14.10 Utopic Unicorn

Gnome 3.14 sudah tersedia namun distro-distro besar seperti Ubuntu sepertinya belum menyediakan pilihan untuk menggunakan Gnome 3.14 ini di rilis-rilis distro mereka. Bahkan Ubuntu Gnome 14.10 pun nantinya belum menggunakan Gnome 3.14 ini di versi final nya. Namun jangan khawatir, ada cara mudah untuk menginstall Gnome 3.14 ini di Ubuntu 14.10.

install gnome 3.14 di ubuntu

Tutorial kali ini akan dibahas bagaimana cara install Gnome 3.14 di Ubuntu 14.10 Utopic Unicorn. Karena sudah tersedia PPA Repository untuk Gnome 3.14 ini maka menginstall Gnome 3.14 di Ubuntu 14.10 sangatlah mudah.

Jalankan beberapa baris perintah berikut ini di Ubuntu 14.10 untuk menginstall Gnome 3.14

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3-staging
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ricotz/testing
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

Selamat mencoba install Gnome 3.14 di Ubuntu 14.10 Utopic Unicorn


Cara install MATE Desktop 1.8 di CentOS 7.0

MATE Desktop versi 1.8 sudah dirilis beberapa waktu lalu. MATE merupakan sebuah pengembangan lanjut dari Gnome 2 yang sudah digunakan oleh Linux Mint semenjak beberapa tahun terakhir. Dalam tutorial kali ini akan kami coba ulas bagaimana cara install MATE 1.8 di CentOS 7.0. Karena MATE sudah tersedia di EPEL Repository CentOS, maka install MATE 1.8 di CentOS 7.0 sangatlah mudah.

MATE 1.8 datang dengan beberapa perubahan dan perbaikan seperti:
Caja (file manager)
  • Added an option to use IEC units instead of SI units
  • Added “Open parent location” option in the search view context menu
  • Marco (window manager)
  • Added side-by-side tiling (window snapping)

  • Added support for Metacity keybindings in the run dialog and main menu
  • Added a progress bar to the logout dialog
  • Control center
  • Added support to use Metacity as a window manager

MATE Desktop library
  • Added MATE User Guide
  • Added mpaste tool for
  • Eye Of MATE (image viewer)
Untuk informasi selengkapnya mengenai fitur baru atau perubahan di MATE 1.8, silahkan merujuk kesini.

Cara install MATE 1.8 di CentOS 7.0

Buka Terminal dan jalankan perintah berikut:

rpm -Uvh
yum install epel-release-7-0.2.noarch.rpm
yum groupsinstall mate-desktop
Reboot dan selesai. Install MATE 1.8 di CentOS 7.0 cukup mudah bukan?

KDE Plasma 5.0.2 sudah tersedia, bagaimana cara install KDE Plasma 5 di Kubuntu 14.10, Kubuntu 14.04

Meski belum stabil, pengguna dan penyuka KDE Plasma 5 sudah bisa mencoba performa baru KDE Plasma 5.0.2. KDE Plasma 5.0.2 ini membawa banyak update dan perbaikan yang cukup signifikan meski tidak dijelaskan secara rinci di situs resmi KDE.
Bagi anda yang ingin mencoba KDE Plasma 5 di Kubuntu 14.04 atau Kubuntu 14.10, anda dapat mengikuti tutorial berikut ini tentang bagaimana cara install KDE Plasma 5 di Kubuntu 14.04 dan Kubuntu 14.10.

A. Install KDE Plasma 5 di Kubuntu 14.04
Buka Terminal dan paste perintah berikut
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:neon/kf5
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install project-neon5-session project-neon5-utils project-neon5-konsole project-neon5-breeze project-neon5-plasma-workspace-wallpapers
B. Install KDE Plasma 5 di Kubuntu 14.10 Utopic Unicorn
Buka Terminal dan jalankan perintah berikut
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/next
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
sudo apt-get install kubuntu-plasma5-desktop plasma-workspace-wallpapers
Reboot Kubuntu setelah proses instalasi selesai. Anda bisa login ke KDE Plasma 5 di Kubuntu anda. 

Install Notepadqq 0.2.0, aplikasi seperti Notepad++ di Ubuntu 14.04

Apakah anda pernah menggunakan aplikasi Notepad++ di Windows? Ya Notepad++ merupakan sebuah aplikasi text editor yang memiliki beragam fungsi seperti contohnya untuk menuliskan bahasa pemrograman, disamping fungsi sebagai text editor biasa. lalu bagaimana cara install Notepad++ di Linux? Maaf, disini saya tidak akan menjelaskan bagaimana cara install Notepad++ di Linux tetapi saya akan jelaskan bagaimana cara install Notepadqq versi 0.2.0.


Notepadqq merupakan text editor untuk Linux yang memiliki beragam fitur seperti Notepad++. Jika anda suka menulis bahasa pemrograman di Linux, Notepadqq mungkin akan menjadi teman anda yang bagus. Dengan tampilan sederhana, Notepadqq menyimpan beragam fitur yang menarik. Bagi anda pengguna Ubuntu 14.04 atau Ubuntu 12.04, anda dapat menginstall Notepadqq menggunakan perintah berikut ini

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ferramroberto/lffl
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install notepadqq

Selamat mencoba

Install Recoll 1.19.14p2 File Search Tool di Ubuntu 14.10

Recoll merupakan sebuah tool untuk mencari kata atau kalimat dalam sebuah text file. Recoll ini dibangun dengan bahasa Qt yang cukup populer. Versi terbaru Recoll 1.19.14p2 sudah tersedia. Kali ini akan kita bahas bagaimana cara install Recoll 1.19.14p2 di Ubuntu 14.10 dan juga Ubuntu 14.04. Fitur baru yang terdapat di Recoll 1.19.14p2 ini dapat anda baca lebih lanjut disini.

Install Recoll di Ubuntu 14.10

Buka Terminal dan paste perintah berikut ini

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:recoll-backports/recoll-1.15-on
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install recoll

Aplikasi Recoll ini cukup menarik karena begitu selesai diinstall anda akan diminta untuk melakukan indexing. Indexing ini akan mencari semua file (text file) di komputer anda kemudian akan digunakan oleh Recoll sebagai database. Ketika anda mengetikkan sebuah kata kunci di Recoll maka aplikasi ini akan mencari kata tersebut di semua file text yang sudah terindeks di komputer anda. 

Install atau update Firefox 32.0 di Fedora 20

Mozilla Firefox 32.0 sudah tersedia untuk Fedora Linux dan dapat diinstall melalui official repository di Fedora 20. Tutorial kali ini akan saya jelaskan bagaimana cara install Firefox 32.0 di Fedora 20. Karena sudah tersedia di Fedora repository, install Firefox 32.0 di Fedora 20 cukup dengan perintah berikut ini:

yum update firefox

Akan muncul seperti ini di Terminal Fedora 20. Tulis Y dan tekan enter untuk mulai proses download dan instalasi Firefox 32.0 di Fedora 20.

update firefox 32 fedora

Cukup mudah bukan install atau update Firefox 32.0 di Fedora 20?

firefox 32 fedora 20

Cara install Virtualbox Guest Additions di Fedora 20

Tutorial Fedora berikut ini akan saya coba jelaskan langkah-langkah instalasi Virtualbox Guest Additions di Fedora 20. Guest Additions ini diperlukan untuk diinstall di Fedora 20 ketika kita menginstall Fedora 20 di Virtualbox sebagai virtual machine. Dengan guest additions, maka fitur full screen, seamless mode dan clipboard sharing bisa aktif.

Untuk menginstall Virtualbox Guest additions di Fedora 20 lakukan langkah berikut

Buka Terminal dan paste perintah berikut sebagai root

yum update kernel*
yum install gcc kernel-devel kernel-headers dkms

Kemudian reboot Fedora 20. Setelah reboot, kita mulai install Guest Additions di Fedora. Klik Devices | Install Guest Additions CD Image dari Virtualbox window.

guest additions fedora 20

Kemudian harusnya muncul autorun prompt seperti dibawah. Klik run untuk memulai proses instalasi

guest additions autorun

Setelah selesai reboot Fedora 20 dan nikmati Fedora 20 di Virtualbox dengan full screen mode.

fedora 20

Cara install Calibre 2.2.0 di Ubuntu 14.10

Calibre merupakan sebuah aplikasi manajemen buku di Linux. Bagi anda yang memiliki koleksi buku digital, Calibre ini bisa menjadi alternatif yang menarik agar koleksi anda lebih teratur dan terstruktur. Versi terbaru Calibre 2.2.0 sudah di rilis beberapa waktu lalu. Sekarang waktunya menginstall Calibre di Ubuntu 14.10 ataupun Ubuntu 14.04. 

Calibre 2.2.0 Changelog:

  • Kindle driver: Add option to not overwrite existing page number (apnx) files on the device when sending books to the device
  • Kindle driver: Add option to allow customization of the page number (apnx) generation algorithm based on values in a custom column
  • Metadata jacket: Allow customizing the jacket template to show the tags in alphabetical order
  • View specific format window: If a conversion finishes in the background making a new format available, update the window
  • E-book viewer: Automatically hide the mouse cursor if the mouse has not been used for a few seconds. This prevents the mouse cursor from obscuring text underneath it. The cursor will reappear automatically when you move the mouse.
  • Driver for SurfPad 3.

Cara install Calibre 2.2.0 di Ubuntu 14.10

Untuk menginstall Calibre 2.2.0, silahkan copy dan paste perintah berikut ini di Terminal

sudo python -c "import sys; py3 = sys.version_info[0] > 2; u = __import__('urllib.request' if py3 else 'urllib', fromlist=1); exec(u.urlopen('').read()); main()"

Kemudian masukkan password root anda dan tunggu sampe proses instalasi Calibre 2.2.0 selesai.

Setelah selesai jalankan Calibre 

Cara install Wine 1.7.26 di Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr

Kali ini akan kami coba jelaskan bagaimana cara install Wine versi terbaru yaitu Wine 1.7.26 di Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr. Sebagaimana kita ketahui bersama, Wine merupakan program di Linux yang dapat kita gunakan untuk menginstall dan menjalankan beragam aplikasi Windows di Linux. Banyak aplikasi Windows yang dapat dijalankan di Ubuntu Linux misalnya Microsoft Office, Metatrader (untuk Forex), Adobe Photoshop dan masih banyak lagi. Versi terbaru Wine 1.7.26 ini sudah tersedia untuk Ubuntu melalui offical PPA repository wine. Kita tinggal menambahkan PPA repository Wine ini ke dalam Ubuntu.

Cara install Wine 1.7.26 di Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install wine1.7 winetricks

Setelah selesai anda bisa langsung mencoba install aplikasi Windows di Ubuntu. Cara nya hampir sama seperti menginstall software di Windows. Klik 2 kali file setup atau .exe nya. Tutorial ini juga bisa anda gunakan untuk distro turunan Ubuntu seperti Xubuntu, Kubuntu, Deepin 2014, Elementary OS Luna dan Freya, PinguyOS 14.04, Linux Lite 2.0 dan sebagainya.

Terima kasih dan selamat mencoba

Install Firefox 32.0 di Elementary OS Freya

Mozilla Firefox 32.0 sudah tersedia di Ubuntu repository. Dengan demikian, update atau install Firefox 32.0 di Ubuntu dan distro turunannya sangatlah mudah. Tutorial kali ini akan kita pelajari bagaimana cara install Firefox 32.0 di Elementary OS Freya yang merupakan distro turunan Ubuntu 14.04. Cara nya cukup mudah, anda tinggal buka Terminal dan jalankan perintah berikut ini

sudo apt-get install firefox

Tampilan Terminal akan seperti ini:

dhani@dhani-freya:~/Downloads$ sudo apt-get install firefox

Reading package lists... Done

Building dependency tree       

Reading state information... Done

The following package was automatically installed and is no longer required:


Use 'apt-get autoremove' to remove it.

The following extra packages will be installed:


Suggested packages:


The following NEW packages will be installed:

  firefox xul-ext-ubufox

0 upgraded, 2 newly installed, 0 to remove and 71 not upgraded.

Need to get 34,7 MB of archives.

After this operation, 89,2 MB of additional disk space will be used.

Do you want to continue? [Y/n]

Perintah tersebut akan menginstall Firefox 32.0 di Elementary OS Freya jika sebelumnya anda belum pernah menginstall. Atau jika ada versi sebelum Firefox 32.0, perintah tersebut akan melakukan upgrade ke Firefox 32.0. Selamat mencoba.

Cara install XnConvert 1.6.5 di Ubuntu 14.10 dan Ubuntu 14.04

XnConvert merupakan sebuah aplikasi image converter untuk Linux. XnConvert mendukung banyak format gambar seperti JPG, PNG, TIFF, GIF, BMP, RAW, PSD, JPEG and OpenEXR dan lain-lain. Versi terbaru XnConvert 1.6.5 sudah tersedia untuk anda download. Kali ini akan kita bahas bagaimana cara install XnConvert 1.6.5 di Ubuntu 14.10 maupun Ubuntu 14.04. Tentu saja cara ini juga bisa digunakan untuk distro lain seperti Linux Lite 2.0, Elementary OS Luna, Freya, PinguyOS, Linux Mint dan sebagainya.

Cara install XnConvert 1.6.5 di Ubuntu 14.10 dan Ubuntu 14.04

Ubuntu 32 bit

sudo dpkg -i XnConvert-linux.deb

Ubuntu 64 bit

sudo dpkg -i XnConvert-linux-x64.deb

Selesai. Kemudian jalankan XnConvert untuk mulai menkonversi gambar ke format yang anda inginkan. Selamat mencoba.

Cara install Duplicati 1.3.4 di Ubuntu 14.04 dan Ubuntu 14.10

Duplicati merupakan sebuah aplikasi yang memudahkan kita untuk melakukan backup secara teratur di komputer kita. Duplikati ini memiliki beberapa fitur seperti: incremental backup, encrypted backup dengan AES-256 dan lain-lain. Tutorial kali ini akan kita bahas bagaimana cara install Duplicati 1.3.4 di Ubuntu 14.04 dan Ubuntu 14.10. Tentu saja cara ini juga bisa diaplikasikan di distro turunan Ubuntu serperti: Linux Lite 2.0, PinguyOS 14.04, Elementary OS Luna dan Freya.

duplicati ubuntu

Cara install Duplicati 1.3.4 di Ubuntu 14.04 dan Ubuntu 14.10

wget -O duplicati-201.3.4.deb
sudo dpkg -i duplicati-201.3.4.deb

Selesai. Anda bisa mulai menggunakan Duplicati untuk backup komputer anda. Selamat mecoba

Cara install OpenOffice 4.1.1 di Fedora 20

Cara install OpenOffice 4.1.1 di Fedora 20

Tutorial kali ini akan kita bahas bagaimana cara install OpenOffice 4.1.1 di Fedora 20. OpenOffice merupakan sebuah aplikasi Office seperti Microsoft Office di Windows. Versi terbatu OpenOffice 4.1.1 sudah tersedia untuk Linux. Install OpenOffice 4.1.1 di Fedora 20 cukup mudah karena pihak developer sudah menyediakan paket OpenOffice 4.1.1 dalam bentuk file instalasi RPM yang bisa diinstall di Fedora 20.

Untuk mulai menginstall OpenOffice 4.1.1 di Fedora 20, silahkan buka Terminal dan jalankan perintah berikut ini:

Untuk Fedora 20 64 bit

tar -xzvf Apache_OpenOffice_4.1.1_Linux_x86_install-rpm_en-GB.tar.gz
cd en-GB/RPMS
sudo rpm -i *.rpm
cd desktop-integration
sudo rpm -i *.rpm

Install Skype di Zorin OS 9.1

Zorin OS 9.1 merupakan sebuah distro yang menarik, mudah digunakan dan berbasiskan Ubuntu 14.04. Pada tutorial kali ini akan saya jelaskan bagaimana cara install Skype 4.3 di Zorin OS 9.1. Skype 4.3 datang dengan beragam perbaikan dan User Interface yang baru. 

Cara install Skype di Zorin OS 9.1

A. Download installer script
Download script dari sini:
B. Make executable
Untuk membuat script tersebut agar bisa dieksekusi sebagai program, gunakan perintah berikut di Terminal.
chmod +x
C. Run the installer
Kemudian jalankan script tersebut dengan perintah
Kemudian pilih Skype dari daftar aplikasi dan klik OK. 

Cara install LibreOffice 4.3 di CentOS 7.0

Versi terbaru LibreOffice 4.3 sudah dirilis. Kali ini kita akan menginstall LibreOffice 4.3 di CentOS 7.0. LibreOffice 4.3 datang dengan beragam update dan fitur baru yang semakin ciamik. LibreOffice 4.3 merupakan sebuah Office Suite seperti Microsoft Office yang bisa dijalankan di sistem operasi Linux. Menginstall LibreOffice 4.3 di CentOS 7.0 sangat mudah karena pihak developer LibreOffice menyediakan binary dalam format RPM yang mendukung sistem operasi CentOS 7.0.

Cara install LibreOffice 4.3 di CentOS 7.0

32 bit

Buka terminal dan jalankan perintah berikut:

tar -xzvf LibreOffice_4.3.0.4_Linux_x86_rpm.tar.gz
cd LibreOffice_4.3.0.4_Linux_x86_rpm/RPMS
sudo yum localinstall *.rpm

Cara install Speed Dreams Racing Simulator di Ubuntu Ubuntu 14.04

Speed Dreams Racing Simulator adalah sebuah game balap yang cukup bagus untuk Linux. Game ini datang dengan tampilan grafis yang cukup memukau dan sudah mendukung 3D grafis. Kali ini akan saya akan mencoba berbagi bagaimana cara install Speed Dreams Racing Simulator di Ubuntu Ubuntu 14.04. Tidak hanya Ubuntu 14.04, game ini juga bisa diinstall di distro lain yang berbasiskan Ubuntu seperti Deepin 2014, Elementary OS, PinguyOS 14.04, Linux Lite 2.0 dan sebagainya. Cara install nya cukup mudah. 

Cara install Speed Dreams Racing Simulator di Ubuntu Ubuntu 14.04

A. Download installer script

Saya sudah membuat sebuah script (Shell) untuk memudahkan anda pengguna Ubuntu 14.04 menginstall game ini. Download dulu script nya menggunakan link berikut:

B. Make executable

Gunakan perintah berikut untuk membuat script tersebut bisa dijalankan sebagai program

chmod + x

Cara Install Kernel 3.14.10 LTS di Ubuntu dan distro turunannya

Berdasarkan Mailing List Linux Kernel, Linux Kernel 3.14.10 LTS sudah bisa di download dan di install di Ubuntu dan turunannya. Jika anda pengguna Ubuntu, mungkin anda tertarik untuk menginstall Kernel 3.14.10 ini di Ubuntu anda.
install kernel 3.14.10 di ubuntu
Adapun cara install Kernel 3.14.10 di Ubuntu dan juga distro turunannya adalah sebagai berikut:
32 bit
Download paket Kernel
wget wget

Cara install phpMyAdmin 4.2.5 di Ubuntu, PinguyOS, Linux Lite

phpMyAdmin merupakan sebuah alat untuk mengatur, me monitor MySQL, MariaDB database dengan menggunakan web interface yang mudah dimengerti. Versi terbaru phpMyAdmin 4.2.5 sudah dirilis dengan beragam perbaikan dan update.
install phpmyadmin 4.2.5 di ubuntu

Cara mudah install PHPMyAdmin 4.2.4 di Ubuntu 14.04

Versi terbaru phpmyadmin 4.2.4 sudah di rilis beberapa waktu yang lalu. Kini saat nya anda menginstall PHPMyAdmin 4.2.4 di Ubuntu 14.04  anda. PHPMyadmin merupakan sebuah aplikasi yang memungkinkan anda mengatur beragam database server seperti MySQL, SQLlite dan lain-lain. Antar muka web yang sederhana, mudah dimengerti bagi siapa saja. 
Dalam tutorial kali ini akan kita bahas bagaimana cara install phpMyAdmin di Ubuntu 14.04 menggunakan PPA repository. Dengan adanya PPA ini, install phpMyAdmin jadi lebih mudah. 

Install phpMyAdmin 4.2.4 di Ubuntu 14.04

Install OpenRA 20140608 di Ubuntu 14.04

OpenRA merupakan sebuah proyek Open Source yang mendesain dan membuat ulang game-game terkenal seperti Command & Conquer games: Tiberian Dawn, Red Alert and Dune 2000. Jika anda seorang penikmat game-game diatas, anda dapat menginstall OpenRA 20140608 ini di Linux. Berikut ini cara install OpenRA 20140608 di Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr.

Cara install KDE 4.13.2 di Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr

Cara install KDE 4.13.2 di Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr

Bagi anda yang ingin mencoba performa KDE desktop environment versi 4.13.2 di Ubuntu 14.04, berikut ini akan saya coba jelaskan bagaimana cara install KDE 4.13.2 ini di Ubuntu 14.04. Caranya cukup mudah karena sudah ada PPA repository untuk KDE 4.13.2 ini. 

Cara install KDE 4.13.2 di Ubuntu 14.04

A. Tambahkan PPA repository ke Ubuntu
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/ppa
B. Update system
sudo apt-get update
C. Install KDE Desktop 
sudo apt-get install kde-standard kubuntu-desktop
When done, reboot your Ubuntu and you can choose KDE on the login screen. 
Cara install Linux Kernel 3.12.21 di Ubuntu 14.04

Cara install Linux Kernel 3.12.21 di Ubuntu 14.04

Versi terbaru Linux Kernel 3.12.21 sudah diadopsi oleh Canonical, developer utama Ubuntu. Dalam tutorial kali ini kita akan belajar bagaimana cara install Linux Kernel 3.12.21 di Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr. Cara install Linux Kernel di Ubuntu cukup mudah. Dengan beberapa perintah di Terminal, kita bisa install Linux Kernel ini di Ubuntu. 
Adapun perubahan yang terdapat di versi baru Linux Kernel 3.12.21 ini cukup banyak, diantaranya adalah dukungan terhadap firmware hardware Alcatel L800MA, Cinterion PXS8 and PHS8 dan juga beberapa bug fixes. 

How To Install FrostWire 5.7.2 On OpenSUSE 13.1

FrostWire 5.7.2 is now available for download. FrostWire is a powerful BitTorrent client for Windows and Linux. There are many updates included on this release. This tutorial is going to show you How To Install FrostWire 5.7.2 On OpenSUSE 13.1. 

The new FrostWire 5.7.2 comes with the following features:
  • uTP support enabled
  • Multiple crash fixes
  • UX: playable single file torrents now can be played from transfer list
  • UX: Fixes UI Thread freeze when opening Options > Search
  • UX: Better error reporting when a torrent can’t be fetched from a
  • magnet connection

To Install FrostWire 5.7.2 On OpenSUSE 13.1, open Terminal and execute these commands:
sudo rpm -i frostwire-5.7.2.noarch.rpm
How to install Git 1.9.3 on Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr

How to install Git 1.9.3 on Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr

This quick tutorial is going to show you How to install Git 1.9.3 on Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr. Git is the most popular client application for GitHub. The new version of Git 1.9.3 is now available for download. Since there is a special PPA repository for Ubuntu, we can easily install Git 1.9.3 on Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr. 
Simply open Terminal and type the following commands:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:git-core/ppasudo apt-get updatesudo apt-get install git
Once finished, you can start using Git 1.9.3 on Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr. Thank you. 
Download MikroTik RB711-2Hn Router Board Firmware 6.11

Download MikroTik RB711-2Hn Router Board Firmware 6.11

The RB711 is a small CPE type RouterBOARD wireless router with an integrated 2GHz 802.11b/g/n wireless card. If you own Mikrotik RB711-2Hn Router series, the latest version of Board firmware 6.11 already out. You can download and install this new firmware on your Mikrotik board to fix many bugs and improve performance of your Mikrotik RB711-2Hn Router. 

This new version comes with the following improvements:
- IPsec - fix aes-cbc hardware acceleration on CCR with key sizes 192 and 256
- Wireless - add auto frequency feature
- OVPN - fixed TLS renegotiation
- OVPN - make bridge mode work with big packets (do not leave extraneous padding)
- OVPN - fixed require-client-certifcate
- PPP - revert RADIUS NAS-Port behaviour, report tunnel interface id
- PPP - mppe encryption together with mrru locked the router
- DHCP - added support for DHCP option 138 - list of CAPWAP IPv4 servers
- Quickset - added Guest Network setup to Home AP mode
- Console - no longer required to supply value of '/routing bgp instance vrf' property 'instance' for 'add' command
- Ethernet - added option to enable rx/tx flow control (will be disabled by default)
- Ethernet - added ability to specify advertised modes for copper ports
- fixed 100% cpu usage on CCRs
- SSL - not finding CRL in local store for any certificate in trust chain will cause connection to fail
- LTE - support for Huawei ME609 and ME909u-521

Download Now
Download Dropbox 2.6.33 for Linux

Download Dropbox 2.6.33 for Linux

This is the latest stable version of Dropbox for Linux. This new version of Dropbox 2.6.33 for Linux comes with many improvements. As you know Dropbox offers free online storage up to 5 GB. Dropbox has been used by millions users over the world to store their files online and share them with others. If you are running Linux, you can download this latest version of Dropbox 2.6.33 for Linux. For more information please visit Dropbox website.
Download Dropbox 2.6.33 for Linux:

How to install FlareGet 3.1-36 on OpenSUSE 13.1

FlareGet is a complete, rich features download manager for Linux and Windows. It has many features you need to accelerate your download speed. The new version of FlareGet 3.1-36 is now available for download. You can also download YouTube videos using FlareGet. 
This tutorial is going to show you how to install FlareGet 3.1-36 on OpenSUSE 13.1 

Since it does not available on OpenSUSE repository, we need to install FlareGet manually. But don't worry, installing FlareGet 3.1-36 on OpenSUSE 13.1 is very easy.
wget ""tar -xzvf flareget_3.1-36_i386(stable)_rpm.tar.gzcd flareget_3.1-36_i386\(stable\)_rpm/sudo rpm -i flareget_3.1-36_i386.rpm
If you are running OpenSUSE 64 bit, use the following commands

How to install Filezilla 3.7.3 on OpenSUSE 13.1

Filezilla is a FTP Client program which allows us to download and upload files to a FTP server. On this tutorial, I will guide you how to install Filezilla 3.7.3 on OpenSUSE 13.1. Since Filezilla is available through OpenSUSE repository, we can install this application without any problem. 
how to install filezilla on opensuse

How to install VirtualBox 4.3 on OpenSUSE 13.1

This tutorial is going to show you how to install Oracle VirtualBox 4.3 on OpenSUSE 13.1. VirtualBox is a free and open source application to run multiple operating systems on a single host. Installing VirtualBox on OpenSUSE 13.1 is pretty easy. This tutorial will show you how.
First, download VirtualBox 4.3 for OpenSUSE.
Now Install it using command:

Linux-Dash does not work on OpenSUSE 13.1

Linux-Dash is a useful tool to monitor Linux server. The detailed information of the server are displayed on via a beautiful web dashboard. I was successfully installed Linux-Dash on my Elementary OS Luna but I failed to get it run on OpenSUSE 13.1. Linux-Dash is available through OpenSUSE additional repository and it was provided via 1 click install feature. But, I cannot get Linux-Dash working on OpenSUSE 13.1.
After Linux-dash was installed on OpenSUSE, my Apache server won't start. I got the following error when trying to start apache2 service. 

How to install Google Chrome 34 on OpenSUSE 13.1

This tutorial will guide you how to install Google Chrome 34 on OpenSUSE 13.1. As you know Google Chrome is a fast and lightweight web browser developed by Google. Its pretty easy to install the latest stable version of Google Chrome on OpenSUSE 13.1.
To install Google Chrome 34 on OpenSUSE 13.1 please follow these steps:
1. Add Google Chrome repository to OpenSUSE 13.1. 
Open Terminal and paste this command as root
zypper ar Google-Chrome
2. Refresh the repository
zypper refresh
3. Install Google Chrome
zypper in google-chrome-stable

How to install PlexMediaServer on OpenSUSE 13.1

PlexMediaServer is a nice application that will turn your Linux into a multimedia streamer. Here I want to show you how to install PlexMediaServer on OpenSUSE 13.1. Its not hard to install PlexMediaServer on OpenSUSE 13.1. Please read the page : for more information about PlexMediaServer features.
First, we need to download RPM package for PlexMediaServer. Choose from the link below:
Now, install the package

Ultimate Edition Linux 4.0 is now available

The new version of Ultimate Edition 4.0 Linux is now available for download. Ultimate edition is an Ubuntu based Linux which now available in MATE and GNOME variants. Ultimate Edition 4.0 is still using Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy Salamander as the base. So, this release should not supported for longer time. I think its better to wait for the next version which uses Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr LTS for longer support. 

Once again I am not going to make a big deal out of this release. It is very nice and works very well; however, it is based on the Ubuntu 13.10 'Saucy Salamander' branch and has very limited support time left. Our efforts once Ultimate Edition 4.1 is released is undivided concentration on Ultimate Edition 4.2 and Ultimate Edition 4.3, a long-term supported (LTS) release, previously released as a beta. Repostorm is honing Mate 1.8 to perfection with each line of code I write, the base of what will be in Ultimate Edition 4.2 Lite. A lot of catchup is going on in the pursuit to perfection as I am hoping to present you in the release of Ultimate Edition 4.2.

Download Ultimate Edition 4.0 ISO

How to get Skype installed on OpenSUSE 13.1

How to get Skype installed on OpenSUSE 13.1

This tutorial is going to show you how to get Skype installed on OpenSUSE 13.1. Skype is the most popular VoIP application which lets us to make a free phone calls, video calls or instant messaging using internet protocol. Installing Skype on OpenSUSE 13.1 is very easy. There is a special binary package made for OpenSUSE which can be installed in few steps. 
Now you should have a file called skype- The version may vary from time to time. So make sure you adjust the command we used below to match with the Skype version you have. Now execute this command on Terminal as root
rpm -ivh skype-
Should there is no error and Skype is well installed and you can start using it. 
How to install Samba on OpenSUSE 13.1

How to install Samba on OpenSUSE 13.1

Samba is a free and open source software package that can be used to provide a powerful file and printer sharing over the network. Samba can help people to share files and directories between Linux and Windows PC. On this tutorial, I will show you how to install Samba on OpenSUSE 13.1. After Samba is installed, we can start configuring it to serve the network with file and printer sharing features.

1. Install Samba on OpenSUSE 13.1
Open Terminal and login as root
Now execute this command
zypper in samba*
2. Configure Samba
Now samba is installed and we can start to configure it. I want to show you how to create a simple file sharing on Samba.
Edit the /etc/samba/smb.conf
nano /etc/samba/smb.conf
Under the [global] section, make sure you have the following lines
passdb backend = tdbsam
You can add it if it does not exist. Next is to create a shared folder which only Samba users can access or write to it. Add the following lines to smb.conf

Install rsnapshot module on Webmin

If you following my previous tutorial on How to backup using rsnapshot on OpenSUSE 13.1, you may think how to make it easier to use rsnapshot. Thankfully, there is an easier way to use rsnapshot to backup our data on Linux system. All we need is Webmin with rsnapshot additional module installed. On this tutorial I am going to show you how to install rsnapshot module on Webmin. Please read my previous tutorial on How to install Webmin on OpenSUSE 13.1 before going through.
I assume Webmin is installed and working properly on your computer. Now we can start to install rsnapshot module on Webmin. By installing this module, we can now run rsnapshot in GUI mode. No more syntax or command to backup using rsnapshot. 
First, Login to Webmin and click Webmin Configuration. 
Now click Webmin Modules

How to install Webmin 1.680 on OpenSUSE 13.1

This tutorial is going to show you how to install Webmin on OpenSUSE 13.1. When I wrote this tutorial, the latest stable version of Webmin is version 1.680. I will keep update the tutorial on How to install Webmin on OpenSUSE 13.1 everytime new version of Webmin is available. 
First, we need to download Webmin rpm package for OpenSUSE. Simply click the link below to download
Or, you can also use wget to download
How to backup using Rsnapshot on OpenSUSE 13.1

How to backup using Rsnapshot on OpenSUSE 13.1

For OpenSUSE 13.1 users, you can use Rsnapshot to backup your files to other storage media. Rsnapshot can be used to backup files to local disk, remote disk over ssh, samba or even to an external drive. On this tutorial I am going to show you how to backup using Rsnapshot command on OpenSUSE 13.1. 
First, we must install rsnapshot program on OpenSUSE 13.1. Use this command to install rsnapshot on OpenSUSE 13.1
zypper in rsnapshot
Once installed, we can now configure the rsnapshot.conf. Use your favorite text editor to edit the file in /etc/rsnapshot.conf. Make sure you are using root privilege.
nano /etc/rsnapshot.conf
Here on this config file, we can specify the destination of the backup, specify the backup source and also we can set the backup intervals.
Download Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr Stable version

Download Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr Stable version

The new Ubuntu 14.014 is now reached its stable version. Ubuntu 14.014 Trusty Tahr is the most recent Ubuntu version you can get for free. Ubuntu is the most popular Linux distribution developed by Canonical. Its very easy to use, simple and powerful. The new Ubuntu 14.014 Trusty Tahr comes with many features and improvements. 
Now, Ubuntu is available for Desktop, Server, Phone and Tablet devices. For a complete information about this new Ubuntu 14.04 features, please visit
How to install Adobe Flash Plugin on OpenSUSE 13.1

How to install Adobe Flash Plugin on OpenSUSE 13.1

This tutorial is going to show you how to install Adobe Flash plugin on OpenSUSE 13.1. By default, Adobe Flash plugin is not installed on OpenSUSE 13.1. So you will not be able to play YouTube videos from Firefox on OpenSUSE 13.1. In order to play YouTube and other flash enabled videos, we need to install Adobe Flash Plugin first. Installing Adobe Flash Plugin on OpenSUSE 13.1 is pretty easy. Thanks to One Click Installer feature provided by OpenSUSE team.

Adobe Flash Plugin 1 Click Installer

Simply click the link above and


How to install Docky 2.2.0 on OpenSUSE 13.1

Docky is my favorite docking system on Linux. With docky, we can access or open applications installed on OpenSUSE much easier. It places shortcut to the dock and we can open, maximize or minimize applications easily. Today I want to show you how to install Docky 2.2.0 on OpenSUSE 13.1. Since Docky is included on OpenSUSE repository, we can install Docky using the following command
zypper in docky
Once downloaded, log out and login back to OpenSUSE. You will see Docky schortcut on the application list.

How to clone a disk using dd command

How to clone a disk using dd command

On my previous tutorial, I've shown how to create an image of a disk/partition using dd command. Now, I want to show you how to completely clone a disk to another disk using dd command. Its pretty simple to clone a disk using dd command. With a single command we can completely clone a disk to another disk using dd command. See my example below:

dd if=/dev/sdc of=/dev/sdb

The command above will clone the entire sdc disk to sdb disk. Please be careful when doing this because there is no warning message. All your destination disk will be overwritten without confirmation.

How to backup a Hard disk to an image file using dd command

How to backup a Hard disk to an image file using dd command

There are many backup solution out there such as Clonezilla and Redo Backup. Those two backup are awesome. They were built using Linux that were modified for Backup and Restore purposes. But actually, there is a simpler way to backup a hard disk, partition or even CDROM using dd command. dd does not have GUI and its only use command line only. But, dd is simpler and faster compared to those two backup applications. 
Here I want to show you how to create a hard disk image using dd command. With this image, we can then copy or move it to off site for security if you want to. OK lets get started. Here is the idea:
I have a hard disk which is known as /dev/sda. I will create an image of my hard disk using dd command. Open Terminal and check the disk or partitions on your computer. Use fdisk -l command.
sudo fdisk -l
And the command will returned the disks and partitions you have
Disk /dev/sda: 500.1 GB, 500107862016 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 60801 cylinders, total 976773168 sectors
Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 4096 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 4096 bytes / 4096 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x000a9ecd

   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System
/dev/sda1   *        2048      206847      102400    7  HPFS/NTFS/exFAT
/dev/sda2          206848   204802047   102297600    7  HPFS/NTFS/exFAT
/dev/sda3       204802048   591883106   193540529+   7  HPFS/NTFS/exFAT
/dev/sda4       591884286   976771071   192443393    5  Extended
Partition 4 does not start on physical sector boundary.
/dev/sda5       965029888   976771071     5870592   82  Linux swap / Solaris
/dev/sda6       591884288   965029887   186572800   83  Linux
The bold item is my hard disk. Its /dev/sda. Now I want to make image of that disk to an image file name: backup.img and stored in my home directory
dd if=/dev/sda of=~/backup.img
How to install VirtualBox on Deepin Linux 2013

How to install VirtualBox on Deepin Linux 2013

This tutorial is going to show you how to install the latest version of VirtualBox on Linux Deepin 2013. VirtualBox is a virtualization application which lets us to run multiple operating system on a single host. Oracle VirtualBox is available for Ubuntu based Linux such as Deepin Linux via apt. So we can easily update to the latest version in the future. 
To install Oracle VirtualBox on Deepin Linux 2013, please follow these steps:
A. Add Oracle Virtualbox repository to Deepin Linux 2013.
Open Terminal and edit the sources.list file. 
sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list

Download Genymotion 2.1.1 for Ubuntu Linux

Download Genymotion 2.1.1 for Ubuntu Linux

Genymotion is a special application that can be used to install and run Android OS on Linux Operating System. Using Genymotion, you will have Android run on your Ubuntu Linux. Here you can download the binary package of Genymotion for Ubuntu Linux. You can install Genymotion and then install Android on it. Its pretty simple. 
Download Genymotion 2.1.1 for Ubuntu Linux:
How to SSH Login without password on Ubuntu Server 13.10

How to SSH Login without password on Ubuntu Server 13.10

SSH offers a secure connection to a remote server. But sometimes we need to login to remote server via SSH that does not ask for password. This task will be useful when we want to backup remote server via SSH using rsnapshot. So, on this tutorial, I am going to show you how to login to remote server via SSH without password. 
On this tutorial I am using two computer. The first one, local computer, called dhani-ubuntu ( and the remote server called ubuntu-server ( 
First, open Terminal and we need to generate public and private key using ssh-keygen. 

dhani@dhani-ubuntu:~$ ssh-keygen
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/home/dhani/.ssh/id_rsa):
/home/dhani/.ssh/id_rsa already exists.
Overwrite (y/n)? y
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in /home/dhani/.ssh/id_rsa.
Your public key has been saved in /home/dhani/.ssh/
The key fingerprint is:
61:6f:6e:5b:9c:c9:66:56:01:0d:44:0f:13:d1:67:e8 dhani@dhani-ubuntu
The key's randomart image is:
+--[ RSA 2048]----+
|           oX* . |
|             =+ o|
|        o    .oo |
|       . o    E. |
|        S o   .  |
|         o o +   |
|          o X    |
|         . *     |
|          .      |
When you enter ssh-keygen command you will be asked to enter the passphrase. Since we want to login without password, do not enter any passphrase here. Simply press the Enter button twice and you will be done. 
How to backup local data to external drive using rsnapshot on Ubuntu Server 13.10

How to backup local data to external drive using rsnapshot on Ubuntu Server 13.10

On my previous post, we've learned how to install rsnapshot on Ubuntu Server 13.10. Now, we will continue the tutorial to create a backup plan to an external drive in daily base using rsnapshot. This backup will be executed daily (once a day).
In this example I want to backup my local directory in /share and I want to save the data in my external drive which is mounted under /mnt/backup
First, make sure the external drive is mounted on the mount directory (/mnt/backup). 
sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/backup
Next we need to edit rsnapshot configuration file
sudo /etc/rsnapshot.conf
Now we need to edit some lines in the configuration file. First, specify the snapshot_root directory. This directory will be used to store all the backup. So, we need to change this to our mounted directory.
snapshot_root   /mnt/backup/
Next, we need to edit the backup interval. Since we want to backup in daily base only, we need to disable all other backup interval. See my example below.
#retain         hourly  6
retain          daily   7
#retain         weekly  4
#retain monthly 3
Install rsnapshot on Ubuntu Server 13.10

Install rsnapshot on Ubuntu Server 13.10

Rsnapshot is a powerful backup tool on Linux. It does not have graphical interface but basically its pretty easy to use and configure. First on this tutorial I will show you how to install rsnapshot on Ubuntu Server 13.10. This is the first step for the next tutorial of rsnapshot. 
To install rsnapshot on Ubuntu 13.10, simply use the following command
sudo apt-get install rsnapshot
Once finished, you can start using rsnapshot to backup your files locally or remotely. I will provide the next step of configuring rsnapshot on the next couple posts. 

How to install OwnCloud client on Ubuntu 13.10

OwnCloud is a new way to store and share our files online. Its more like Dropbox service. But, OwnCloud allows us to set up our own server and store our files to the server. The server can be in a local network or even in the internet cloud. On this tutorial I am going to show you how to install OwnCloud client on Ubuntu 13.10. OwnClound Client is the front end that is used by OwnCloud users to upload and download their files from/to the server.

How to install Infinity Conky on Ubuntu 13.10 with transparent background

I was impressed with this Infinity Conky. It looks awesome to me. If you like this too, this tutorial will guide you how to do it. 
First of all, we need to install Conky first. In Ubuntu Terminal, type this command to install Conky
sudo apt-get install conky conky-all
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:noobslab/noobslab-conky
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install infinity-conky

Infinity Conky on my Ubuntu 13.10 screenshot

Thanks to Noobslab with their tutorial on how to install and configure Conky on Ubuntu. I just installed Conky and add Infinity conky on my Ubuntu 13.10. Its an awesome conky style. Here is my Ubuntu 13.10 looks like
Infinity Conky has awesome design. It comes with a transparent background. The clock, WiFi and Disk status shown nicely on my desktop. Next time will post how to install this. 

How to install Vuze Torrent Client on Ubuntu 13.10

Vuze is a powerful, rich features torrent client for Linux and Windows. Compared to Transmission, Vuze has many benefits such as built in HD video player plugin and some other features. Vuze needs Java JRE to be installed on Ubuntu to work. So, before you attempting to install Vuze on Ubuntu 13.10, make sure you have installed Oracle Java (JRE) on Ubuntu 13.10.

CMatrix-text flowing animation on Terminal How to install on Ubuntu Server

Do you remember the Matrix movie? It has a nice green text flowing animation. Now you can have the same animation on your Ubuntu Terminal. Simply install a package called cmatrix. Cmatrix will show a nice text animation on your Terminal. Even Ubuntu Server edition can do this. 
To install cmatrix, simply use the following command
sudo apt-get install cmatrix
Once finished, you can start using it by invoking this command on Terminal
Now you will have a nice text animation looks like Matrix the movie. 

Why I cannot open Facebook page from my Ubuntu machine?

I still wondering why I cannot open or login to my Facebook account from my Ubuntu laptop? I tried to use both Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome. Both browsers are the latest version. But still got no luck to open Facebook. There is no error message at all.
I am sure my internet connection works well. I can open any other website easily. If the problem is in the secure connection (https), why I still can open my Gmail account which also uses https? 
Any idea? 
Install and configure Samba on Ubuntu 13.10

Install and configure Samba on Ubuntu 13.10

This tutorial is going to show you how to install and configure Samba on Ubuntu 13.10. Samba is a Linux tool which help us to enable file sharing on Linux system with other environment such as Windows. We need to install and configure Samba in order to share a folder under Ubuntu and accessible from other computer. 
First, we need to install Samba. Open Terminal and type this command to install Samba
sudo apt-get install samba
Now we need to configure the smb.conf file before we can share a folder.
sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf
Now find and uncomment the following items on the smb.conf. Simply delete the # symbol close to it. 
#security = user
So it will look like this
security = user

My Mac style Ubuntu 13.10 screenshots

I just turned my Ubuntu 13.10 looks into something like Mac OS X have. Its not perfect but I am pretty satisfied and comfortable with all this. Thanks to Noobslab team which provided all icons and Mac theme for Ubuntu. Here are some screenshots of my Mac Style Ubuntu 13.10.
My Ubuntu 13.10 desktop equipped with Mac theme and Docky
My Rhytmbox 

How to play MP3 on Ubuntu 13.10

By default, Ubuntu 13.10 cannot play MP3 audio files. We need extra packages installed in order to play MP3 and some other multimedia files. But don't worry, as long as you have a working internet connection, this problem can be solved in matter of seconds. 
All we need is to install ubuntu-restricted-extras package. This package will include all the packages needed to play multimedia files including a flash plugin support. To install ubuntu-restricted-extras simply execute this command on Terminal
sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras
Once finished, you will be able to play MP3 and YouTube videos using your web browser. 

Download Mac Wallpaper and Mac theme for Firefox

Its been a while from my last post on this blog. Now I am back to write on this blog again. Here I want to share some nice Mac Wallpaper collections and also a Mac theme for Mozilla Firefox. Mac theme and wallpapers are awesome and my next goal is to write a complete tutorial how to make your Ubuntu looks like Mac OS X. 
First, this Mac wallpapers could be a good stuff. 
Bagaimana cara install Guest Additions di BlankON 9 ?

Bagaimana cara install Guest Additions di BlankON 9 ?

Sudah agak lama saya tidak pernah menulis di Blog ini karena beberapa kesibukan offline. Kemarin saya selesai download dan install BlankON Linux versi 9 di VirtualBox. Secara umum BlankON 9 ini cukup menarik dan mudah untuk digunakan. Tetapi saya mengalami kesulitan dalam menginstall Guest Additions di BlankON 9 ini. Tidak seperti Distro Linux lainnya yang langsung otomatis akan me-mount VBoxGuestAdditions.iso begitu diaktifkan, BlankON 9 hanya diam saja ketika saya mengaktifkan Install Guest Additions menu di VirtualBox.

Adakah yang tau bagaimana cara install Guest Additions di BlankON 9? Mungkin ini perlu jadi bahan pertimbangan untuk pengembang BlankON. Saya rasa ini sangat mengganggu.

