How to install Samba on OpenSUSE 13.1

Samba is a free and open source software package that can be used to provide a powerful file and printer sharing over the network. Samba can help people to share files and directories between Linux and Windows PC. On this tutorial, I will show you how to install Samba on OpenSUSE 13.1. After Samba is installed, we can start configuring it to serve the network with file and printer sharing features.

1. Install Samba on OpenSUSE 13.1
Open Terminal and login as root
Now execute this command
zypper in samba*
2. Configure Samba
Now samba is installed and we can start to configure it. I want to show you how to create a simple file sharing on Samba.
Edit the /etc/samba/smb.conf
nano /etc/samba/smb.conf
Under the [global] section, make sure you have the following lines
passdb backend = tdbsam
You can add it if it does not exist. Next is to create a shared folder which only Samba users can access or write to it. Add the following lines to smb.conf

[Samba Share]
        path = /share
        comment = opensuse share
        browseable = yes
        read only = no
        create mode = 0775
        directory mode = 0775
Now we need to create the directory. Execute this command on Terminal as root
mkdir /share
chmod 0775 /share
Now add the existing user to Samba 
smbpasswd -a fitri
Done. Now we need to start the service
systemctl enable smb.service
systemctl enable nmb.service
Now you can access the Samba server from Windows machine. Type the IP address of the server from Windows explorer with the following format
You will be asked for the Samba user and password.