SharpDevelop tutorial - Hello World

Hi, starting today I want to learn about programming and I choose SharpDevelop for Windows. SharpDevelop is a free programming application which is free, rich features, supports various programming language such as C#, C++, VN.Net etc. And today, this is my first application called "Hello World".
Here is my application in action :)
When Click Me button is pressed, a new message box will appear and show Hello World text. Its pretty simple to create it. Here is my code:
Public Partial Class MainForm
    Public Sub New()
        ' The Me.InitializeComponent call is required for Windows Forms designer support.
        Me.Text = "Test"
        ' TODO : Add constructor code after InitializeComponents
    End Sub
    Sub Btn_testClick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
        MsgBox("Hello World")
    End Sub
End Class