How to install Adobe Reader on Fedora 19

Adobe Reader is a free application to open, view Adobe PDF files. On this tutorial you will find how to install Adobe Reader on Fedora 19 using YUM repository. By installing using this way, we can get future update easily.
To install Adobe Reader on Fedora 19, follow these steps
1. Add repository
Paste this command on Terminal as root
rpm -ivh
rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-adobe-linux

2. Update repository
yum check-update
3. List AdobeReader package
yum list AdobeReader
You will see many AdobeReader packages listed like this
Available Packages
AdobeReader_chs.i486                                                                             AdobeReader_cht.i486                                                                             AdobeReader_dan.i486                                                                             AdobeReader_deu.i486                                                                             AdobeReader_enu.i486                                                                             AdobeReader_esp.i486                                                                             AdobeReader_fra.i486                                                                             AdobeReader_ita.i486                                                                             AdobeReader_jpn.i486                                                                             AdobeReader_kor.i486                                                                             AdobeReader_nld.i486                                                                             AdobeReader_nor.i486                                                                             AdobeReader_ptb.i486                                                                             AdobeReader_suo.i486                                                                            
4. Install AdobeReader
yum install AdobeReader_enu
You can choose another version if you want another language. _enu is the english version. If you are running Fedora 64 bit edition, the x64 dependency files will also installed.
To start using Adobe Reader, find the Adobe Reader icon on the Office menu. Otherwise, you can also execute it from Terminal with a single command
Thanks for reading this How to install Adobe Reader on Fedora 19. See you


Amazing ! I am grateful to you for sharing this post that gave a complete list of installation steps. Many people are not familiar with how to install this software. This will help all those.
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