How to install Filezilla 3.7.3 on OpenSUSE 13.1

Filezilla is a FTP Client program which allows us to download and upload files to a FTP server. On this tutorial, I will guide you how to install Filezilla 3.7.3 on OpenSUSE 13.1. Since Filezilla is available through OpenSUSE repository, we can install this application without any problem. 
how to install filezilla on opensuse

How to install VirtualBox 4.3 on OpenSUSE 13.1

This tutorial is going to show you how to install Oracle VirtualBox 4.3 on OpenSUSE 13.1. VirtualBox is a free and open source application to run multiple operating systems on a single host. Installing VirtualBox on OpenSUSE 13.1 is pretty easy. This tutorial will show you how.
First, download VirtualBox 4.3 for OpenSUSE.
Now Install it using command:

Linux-Dash does not work on OpenSUSE 13.1

Linux-Dash is a useful tool to monitor Linux server. The detailed information of the server are displayed on via a beautiful web dashboard. I was successfully installed Linux-Dash on my Elementary OS Luna but I failed to get it run on OpenSUSE 13.1. Linux-Dash is available through OpenSUSE additional repository and it was provided via 1 click install feature. But, I cannot get Linux-Dash working on OpenSUSE 13.1.
After Linux-dash was installed on OpenSUSE, my Apache server won't start. I got the following error when trying to start apache2 service. 

How to install Google Chrome 34 on OpenSUSE 13.1

This tutorial will guide you how to install Google Chrome 34 on OpenSUSE 13.1. As you know Google Chrome is a fast and lightweight web browser developed by Google. Its pretty easy to install the latest stable version of Google Chrome on OpenSUSE 13.1.
To install Google Chrome 34 on OpenSUSE 13.1 please follow these steps:
1. Add Google Chrome repository to OpenSUSE 13.1. 
Open Terminal and paste this command as root
zypper ar Google-Chrome
2. Refresh the repository
zypper refresh
3. Install Google Chrome
zypper in google-chrome-stable

How to install PlexMediaServer on OpenSUSE 13.1

PlexMediaServer is a nice application that will turn your Linux into a multimedia streamer. Here I want to show you how to install PlexMediaServer on OpenSUSE 13.1. Its not hard to install PlexMediaServer on OpenSUSE 13.1. Please read the page : for more information about PlexMediaServer features.
First, we need to download RPM package for PlexMediaServer. Choose from the link below:
Now, install the package

Ultimate Edition Linux 4.0 is now available

The new version of Ultimate Edition 4.0 Linux is now available for download. Ultimate edition is an Ubuntu based Linux which now available in MATE and GNOME variants. Ultimate Edition 4.0 is still using Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy Salamander as the base. So, this release should not supported for longer time. I think its better to wait for the next version which uses Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr LTS for longer support. 

Once again I am not going to make a big deal out of this release. It is very nice and works very well; however, it is based on the Ubuntu 13.10 'Saucy Salamander' branch and has very limited support time left. Our efforts once Ultimate Edition 4.1 is released is undivided concentration on Ultimate Edition 4.2 and Ultimate Edition 4.3, a long-term supported (LTS) release, previously released as a beta. Repostorm is honing Mate 1.8 to perfection with each line of code I write, the base of what will be in Ultimate Edition 4.2 Lite. A lot of catchup is going on in the pursuit to perfection as I am hoping to present you in the release of Ultimate Edition 4.2.

Download Ultimate Edition 4.0 ISO

How to get Skype installed on OpenSUSE 13.1

How to get Skype installed on OpenSUSE 13.1

This tutorial is going to show you how to get Skype installed on OpenSUSE 13.1. Skype is the most popular VoIP application which lets us to make a free phone calls, video calls or instant messaging using internet protocol. Installing Skype on OpenSUSE 13.1 is very easy. There is a special binary package made for OpenSUSE which can be installed in few steps. 
Now you should have a file called skype- The version may vary from time to time. So make sure you adjust the command we used below to match with the Skype version you have. Now execute this command on Terminal as root
rpm -ivh skype-
Should there is no error and Skype is well installed and you can start using it. 
How to install Samba on OpenSUSE 13.1

How to install Samba on OpenSUSE 13.1

Samba is a free and open source software package that can be used to provide a powerful file and printer sharing over the network. Samba can help people to share files and directories between Linux and Windows PC. On this tutorial, I will show you how to install Samba on OpenSUSE 13.1. After Samba is installed, we can start configuring it to serve the network with file and printer sharing features.

1. Install Samba on OpenSUSE 13.1
Open Terminal and login as root
Now execute this command
zypper in samba*
2. Configure Samba
Now samba is installed and we can start to configure it. I want to show you how to create a simple file sharing on Samba.
Edit the /etc/samba/smb.conf
nano /etc/samba/smb.conf
Under the [global] section, make sure you have the following lines
passdb backend = tdbsam
You can add it if it does not exist. Next is to create a shared folder which only Samba users can access or write to it. Add the following lines to smb.conf

Install rsnapshot module on Webmin

If you following my previous tutorial on How to backup using rsnapshot on OpenSUSE 13.1, you may think how to make it easier to use rsnapshot. Thankfully, there is an easier way to use rsnapshot to backup our data on Linux system. All we need is Webmin with rsnapshot additional module installed. On this tutorial I am going to show you how to install rsnapshot module on Webmin. Please read my previous tutorial on How to install Webmin on OpenSUSE 13.1 before going through.
I assume Webmin is installed and working properly on your computer. Now we can start to install rsnapshot module on Webmin. By installing this module, we can now run rsnapshot in GUI mode. No more syntax or command to backup using rsnapshot. 
First, Login to Webmin and click Webmin Configuration. 
Now click Webmin Modules

How to install Webmin 1.680 on OpenSUSE 13.1

This tutorial is going to show you how to install Webmin on OpenSUSE 13.1. When I wrote this tutorial, the latest stable version of Webmin is version 1.680. I will keep update the tutorial on How to install Webmin on OpenSUSE 13.1 everytime new version of Webmin is available. 
First, we need to download Webmin rpm package for OpenSUSE. Simply click the link below to download
Or, you can also use wget to download
How to backup using Rsnapshot on OpenSUSE 13.1

How to backup using Rsnapshot on OpenSUSE 13.1

For OpenSUSE 13.1 users, you can use Rsnapshot to backup your files to other storage media. Rsnapshot can be used to backup files to local disk, remote disk over ssh, samba or even to an external drive. On this tutorial I am going to show you how to backup using Rsnapshot command on OpenSUSE 13.1. 
First, we must install rsnapshot program on OpenSUSE 13.1. Use this command to install rsnapshot on OpenSUSE 13.1
zypper in rsnapshot
Once installed, we can now configure the rsnapshot.conf. Use your favorite text editor to edit the file in /etc/rsnapshot.conf. Make sure you are using root privilege.
nano /etc/rsnapshot.conf
Here on this config file, we can specify the destination of the backup, specify the backup source and also we can set the backup intervals.
Download Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr Stable version

Download Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr Stable version

The new Ubuntu 14.014 is now reached its stable version. Ubuntu 14.014 Trusty Tahr is the most recent Ubuntu version you can get for free. Ubuntu is the most popular Linux distribution developed by Canonical. Its very easy to use, simple and powerful. The new Ubuntu 14.014 Trusty Tahr comes with many features and improvements. 
Now, Ubuntu is available for Desktop, Server, Phone and Tablet devices. For a complete information about this new Ubuntu 14.04 features, please visit
How to install Adobe Flash Plugin on OpenSUSE 13.1

How to install Adobe Flash Plugin on OpenSUSE 13.1

This tutorial is going to show you how to install Adobe Flash plugin on OpenSUSE 13.1. By default, Adobe Flash plugin is not installed on OpenSUSE 13.1. So you will not be able to play YouTube videos from Firefox on OpenSUSE 13.1. In order to play YouTube and other flash enabled videos, we need to install Adobe Flash Plugin first. Installing Adobe Flash Plugin on OpenSUSE 13.1 is pretty easy. Thanks to One Click Installer feature provided by OpenSUSE team.

Adobe Flash Plugin 1 Click Installer

Simply click the link above and


How to install Docky 2.2.0 on OpenSUSE 13.1

Docky is my favorite docking system on Linux. With docky, we can access or open applications installed on OpenSUSE much easier. It places shortcut to the dock and we can open, maximize or minimize applications easily. Today I want to show you how to install Docky 2.2.0 on OpenSUSE 13.1. Since Docky is included on OpenSUSE repository, we can install Docky using the following command
zypper in docky
Once downloaded, log out and login back to OpenSUSE. You will see Docky schortcut on the application list.

How to clone a disk using dd command

How to clone a disk using dd command

On my previous tutorial, I've shown how to create an image of a disk/partition using dd command. Now, I want to show you how to completely clone a disk to another disk using dd command. Its pretty simple to clone a disk using dd command. With a single command we can completely clone a disk to another disk using dd command. See my example below:

dd if=/dev/sdc of=/dev/sdb

The command above will clone the entire sdc disk to sdb disk. Please be careful when doing this because there is no warning message. All your destination disk will be overwritten without confirmation.

