Install Google Chrome 25.0 on CentOS 6.4

This quick tutorial is going to show you how to install the latest Google Chrome 25 on CentOS 6.4. CentOS 6.4 is the most recent version of this Red Hat derivative Linux distribution. Installing Google Chrome on CentOS 6.4 is pretty easy. We can simply use a single command to install it or you may use the graphical installer as well.

Step to install Google Chrome on CentOS 6.4

1. Download Google Chrome rpm package (32 bit)

2. Now, you can right click the file called google-chrome-stable_current_i386.rpm and select Open with Package Installer. Or double click the file will also works.


Click install to start the installation.

Install Wine on Kubuntu 13.04


In some cases, I still need to install and run my Windows program on my Kubuntu. There are many Windows application that can be run on Linux using the help of Wine. On this tutorial, I am going to show you how to install wine on Kubuntu 13.04.

After installing wine, we can install many Windows program on Kubuntu 13.04 easily. For example, I can run my Office 2010 smoothly on my Kubuntu 13.04

Download XBMCbuntu ISO

The new version of XBMCbuntu is now available for download. XBMCbuntu is Ubuntu based Linux which is modified for multimedia center using XBMC. With XBMCbuntu, you can build your own multimedia center to play music, movies and play photo slideshow easily.

This version of XBMCbuntu recording to CD as LiveCD for use on any computer, without installing anything. It also recognizes all kinds of drives to use any multimedia file containing.

