How to add new disk for Flexshare storage on ClearOS 6.4

By default, ClearOS will uses /var/flexshare/shares/ directory to store the shared folder or store the client data on the server. This means, the data will be stored on the same disk with the core or Linux operating system which is not good for some security reason. Alternatively, we can add new disk to ClearOS server and use it to store the Flexshare data instead of in the same disk with the OS.

OK, to add new disk to store Flexshare data, make sure you already add new hard disk, create partition, format and mount it to ClearOS server. If you  haven't done yet, you can read my previous tutorial to do it.


I assume you already mount the new disk to /mnt/disk2 directory. Now we need to edit the flexshare.conf

nano /etc/clearos/flexshare.conf

Edit the line "FlexshareDirCustom so it will looks like


That's it now we can add new share via web console

Go to Flexshare and add new share. Enter the share name and description. Your new hard disk should be listed on the Directory as shown above